Tourisme Bas-Saint-Laurent

My Favorites

Parc des Chutes de Rivière-du-Loup

Rue de la Chute, Rivière-du-Loup, Québec


From the Pointe du Platin to the rocky ridge via the embankment and the clay flat, each sector offers interesting and varied ecosystems. The orchard with its well-aligned rows of apple trees is located in the heart of a natural amphitheater formed by the steep banks of the river and the buildings of the city center. Its forest is dotted with clearings, wetlands, streams, small waterfalls, a pond, a continuous canopy of deciduous and coniferous trees, undergrowth plants and rocky outcrops covered with carpets of moss and ferns. The many attractions of this green space constitute one of the great riches of the agglomeration of Rivière-du-Loup and an important natural heritage for these citizens.

You can obtain the notebook at the Musée duBas-Saint-Laurent, in local bookstores, as well as the tourist information office of Rivière-du-Loup “The trails of the platin Parc des chutes” Mus’Art editions This booklet is a complement to the book “The Loup river and its falls, the Platin , its orchard its woodland – places of history and memories »


  • pets allowed
  • full sanitary block
  • wildlife observation
  • hiking
  • free outdoor parking



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