My Favorites
Municipalité de Saint-Louis-du-Ha! Ha!

The name of this municipality is talked about. Some explanations shed light on the subject, but one thing is certain, all are linked to Lake Témiscouata.
Popular belief has it that explorers seeing the lake from the heights exclaimed: “ Ah! Ah! here is the lake!” Others attribute it to the cries of surprise and joy from the exhausted travelers who were able to use the canoe from this point on the Portage Trail. The “Ha!” Ha!”, in Hescuewaska Indian, designates something unexpected: the view of the lake. Finally, the “haha” in French is an archaism which identifies a dead end, a cul-de-sac, a dead end, an unexpected obstacle.
Like travelers arriving from the Bay of Fundy could no longer canoe from Saint-Louis, this would make this explanation plausible. Different attractions for the whole family are offered: the observatory, the outdoor center, the Petit Témis cycle path, the golf course, the campsite and the garden of the Jardins Célestes circuit.